Escabags - supporting people escaping domestic violence

‘Escabags’ is a fantastic initiative where you can assist victims of domestic violence in our region. Mastronardi Legal is proud to be an associated stockist and supporter of Escabags.

It is a sad reality that throughout Australia women, men and children are living in abusive situations and are too afraid to leave. People are living in relationships where their every move, conversation, text message and financial transactions are monitored by their abuser.

People often question – Why don’t they leave? Often the truth is they are trapped, too scared to stay but leaving can be more terrifying. According to the 2016 Australian Bureau of Statistics,

“1 in 6 women and 1 in 16 men have experienced physical or domestic violence by a current or a previous cohabitating partner”.

These statistics are alarming and prove that in our family, workplace, and social circles we are constantly in the presence of victims of domestic violence whether known or unknown. These victims need support to be able to be brave enough, to finally escape and overcome their fear of the serious repercussions if caught.

One incredible Australian registered charitable organisation based in Wollongong assisting with this process is Escabags Ltd who provide free ‘Escape Bags’ for domestic victims and their children. The Escabags Mission is to “alleviate the immediate trauma of domestic abuse by providing free and effective access to ‘Escape Bags’ in communities, whilst connecting victims with resources and agencies to continue their journey toward survivorship”.  Escape Bags undertake the values of confidentiality and safety, respect and understanding, empathy and compassion, hope and empowerment.

What is an Escape Bag?

‘Escape Bags’ are free tote bags kindly made with love by volunteers and then filled with the necessities that a victim of abuse and his/her children may need when initially escaping a dangerous and abusive situation. Each ‘Escape Bag’ (Single Adult Escape Bag or Parent & Child Escape Bag) contains high quality products which are listed below: 

It is requested that all toiletries are miniature/travel-sized to help keep the weight of the Escape Bags to an absolute minimum and they also request that soaps and chamomile tea bags are individually wrapped.

How can you help?

There are many ways that you can help this fantastic charity.

  • Throughout the year, Escabags encourages business and local communities to assist by collecting the essential items required for these bags.

  • You can request an Escabag Donation Dump Bin which can be delivered to you and your business flat packed. Once you have completed your donation drive, package into another box and Escabag will contact you to arrange collection.

  • Collecting essential items, required for the ‘Escape Bags’

  • Donating financially to the cause (all donations over $2 are tax-deductible)

  • Sewing Tote Bags – it is important that a victim of abuse collects an ‘Escape Bag’ with personal meaning which are kindly provided by individuals or sewing groups. Whilst there is no specific pattern there is a guideline (please refer to for basic details)

Please note: the information in this article is general in nature and is not legal advice. For specific advice about your circumstances, contact us to make an appointment with one of our solicitors.


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